Testing a runlatex JavaScript
Parameterised as requested by Stefan for his forum sites.
This drops the Overleaf link, just posting to TeXLive.net and supports
adding a guessed default preamble to fragments that have no \documentclass
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example from learnlatex
@article{Thomas2008, author = {Thomas, Christine M. and Liu, Tianbiao and Hall, Michael B. and Darensbourg, Marcetta Y.}, title = {Series of Mixed Valent {Fe(II)Fe(I)} Complexes That Model the {H(OX)} State of [{FeFe}]Hydrogenase: Redox Properties, Density-Functional Theory Investigation, and Reactivity with Extrinsic {CO}}, journal = {Inorg. Chem.}, year = {2008}, volume = {47}, number = {15}, pages = {7009-7024}, doi = {10.1021/ic800654a}, } @book{Graham1995, author = {Ronald L. Graham and Donald E. Knuth and Oren Patashnik}, title = {Concrete Mathematics}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = {1995}, }