Lesson 7

Naming graphics files

LaTeX works on many computer platforms so file names deserve some thought. Safest is to name your graphics simply, in particular without spaces. For example, if you want to organize your files by keeping all graphics in a subdirectory, then something like \includegraphics[width=30pt]{pix/mom.png} is portable and future-proof.

Spaces in file names are traditionally somewhat problematic, but are now generally supported. However, if you have spaces in the name, and you have issues, you may wish to try removing the spaces as the first step.

Accented character support is somewhat variable; there are issues with some systems, particularly on Windows. If you find issues with accented characters in file names, try using only ASCII characters for a test.

Storing graphics in a subdirectory

A common way to lay out source files is to put all graphics into a subdirectory. You can then include the relative path, as is shown above; notice that the / character is used to separate parts of the path even on Windows.

If you have a lot of graphics, you might want to set up the subdirectory in advance. That can be done using \graphicspath, which needs a braced entry for each subdirectory. For example, to include both figs and pics subdirectories, we would have:


Notice in particular the trailing / in these.

Producing graphics

As discussed, LaTeX easily uses graphics from most sources, including plots from scientific software. When you do that, you probably want to save as a PDF if you can, as this is a scalable format. If you do need to create a bitmap, aim for high resolution. You can make mouse-created graphics that include LaTeX snippets with Inkscape. An alternative that in addition extends those drawing techniques to three dimensions is Asymptote. These two produce their output as files that you include in your document.

You can also create graphics such as drawings that are especially suited to LaTeX, with very high precision as well as equations and labels that match your document. You can draw graphics directly inside your document, which is convenient although at the cost of more complex documents with larger requirements, by using TikZ. An alternative is PSTricks.

Placing floats

LaTeX’s float placement is complex. The most common request is to have the figure placed in the output exactly where it lies in the input. The float package will do that.

\usepackage{lipsum}  % dummy text for filler

  \caption{An example image}

Note the H option, which puts the figure ‘absolutely Here’. However it is often not recommended to use H, because it may create large portions of white space in your document.

Other types of float

We will see soon that we can put tables in floats; they will go into a table environment. However, we don’t have to put graphics in the figure environment or tables in the table environment; this is just convention.

You might want to have other types of floating environment; each type is inserted independently. You can do that using the trivfloat package. This provides a single command, \trivfloat, to make new types of float.

\usepackage{lipsum}  % dummy text for filler

  \caption{An example image}