

Contributing to learnlatex.org

Thanks for considering contributing to learnlatex.org: feedback, fixes and ideas are all useful.

ChangeLog, commit messages and authors

Please note any significant change to the content of questions in CHANGELOG.md, including which lesson is changed in the format Q-<number>.

Please note any significant change to the content of questions in CHANGELOG.md, including which lesson is changed in the format Q-<number>.

Commit messages where the content of a single lesson is changed should start with L-<name>. Changes to the content of lessons should always be made in separate commits: formatting, typos or other ‘non-significant’ changes can be made for multiple lessons in one go.

If you are making a significant change to the content, please make sure you add yourself to the contributors list.


The site is written in GitHub-flavoured Markdown, and uses the GitHub Pages system to convert this to web pages. In general, Markdown is easy to use, and offers enough formatting power to make the site useful. There are a few things to watch out for