MathML Document Repository

Speech Templates for Unicode Characters

UnicodeCharacterSpeech Template
00A1 ¡ inverted exclamation mark
00A2 ¢ cents
00A3 £ pounds
00A4 ¤ currency sign
00A5 ¥ yen
00A6 ¦ broken bar
00A7 § section
00A8 ¨ double dot
00A9 © copyright
00AA ª feminine ordinal indicator
00AB « left-pointing double angle quote mark
00AC ¬ not
00AF ¯ modified-variable: bar
default: line
00B2 ² two
00B3 ³ three
00B4 ´ acute
00B5 µ micro
00B6 paragraph mark
00B7 · dot-times: times
default: dot
00B9 ¹ one
00BA º masculine ordinal indicator
00BC ¼ one quarter
00BD ½ one half
00BE ¾ three quarters
00BF ¿ inverted question mark
00D7 × times-by: by
times-cross: cross
default: times
00F7 ÷ divided by
02B0 ʰ modifier small h
02B1 ʱ modifier small h with hook
02B2 ʲ modifier small j
02B3 ʳ modifier small r
02B4 ʴ modifier small turned r
02B5 ʵ modifier small turned r with hook
02B6 ʶ modifier small inverted
02B7 ʷ modifier small w
02B8 ʸ modifier small y
02B9 ʹ modifier prime
02BA ʺ modifier double prime
02BB ʻ modifier turned comma
02BC ʼ modifier apostrophe
02BD ʽ modifier reversed comma
02BE ʾ modifier right half ring
02BF ʿ modifier left half ring
02C0 ˀ modifier glottal stop
02C1 ˁ modifier reversed glottal stop
02C2 ˂ modifier left arrowhead
02C3 ˃ modifier right arrowhead
02C4 ˄ modifier up arrowhead
02C5 ˅ modifier down arrowhead
02C6 ˆ modifier circumflex accent
02C7 ˇ caron
02C8 ˈ modifier vertical line
02C9 ˉ modifier macron
02CA ˊ modifier acute accent
02CB ˋ modifier grave accent
02CC ˌ modifier low vertical line
02CD ˍ modifier low macron
02CE ˎ modifier low grave accent
02CF ˏ modifier low acute accent
02D0 ː modifier triangular colon
02D1 ˑ modifier half triangular colon
02D2 ˒ modifier centered right half ring
02D3 ˓ modifier centered left half ring
02D4 ˔ modifier up tadck
02D5 ˕ modifier down tack
02D6 ˖ modifier plus sign
02D7 ˗ modifier minus sign
02D8 ˘ breve
02D9 ˙ dot
02DA ˚ ring above
02DB ˛ ogonek
02DC ˜ small tilde
02DD ˝ double acute accent
02DE ˞ modifier rhotic hook
02DF ˟ modifier cross accent
02E0 ˠ modifier small gamma
02E1 ˡ modifier small l
02E2 ˢ modifier small s
02E3 ˣ modifier small x
02E4 ˤ modifier small reversed glottal stop
02E5 ˥ modifier extra-high tone bar
02E6 ˦ modifier high tone bar
02E7 ˧ modifier mid tone bar
02E8 ˨ modifier low tone bar
02E9 ˩ modifier extra-low tone bar
02EA ˪ modifier yin departing tone mark
02EB ˫ modifier yang departing tone mark
02EC ˬ modifier voicing
02ED ˭ modifier unaspirated
02EE ˮ modifier double apostrophe
02EF ˯ modifier low down arrowhead
02F0 ˰ modifier low up arrowhead
02F1 ˱ modifier low left arrowhead
02F2 ˲ modifier low right arrowhead
02F3 ˳ modifier low ring
02F4 ˴ modifier middle grave accent
02F5 ˵ modifier middle double grave accent
02F6 ˶ modifier middle double acute accent
02F7 ˷ modifier low tilde
02F8 ˸ modifier raised colon
02F9 ˹ modifier begin high tone
02FA ˺ modifier end high tone
02FB ˻ modifier begin low tone
02FC ˼ modifier end low tone
02FD ˽ modifier shelf
02FE ˾ modifier open shelf
02FF ˿ modifier low left arrow
0300 ̀ grave accent embellishment
0301 ́ acute accent embellishment
0302 ̂ circumflex accent embellishment
0303 ̃ tilde embellishment
0304 ̄ macron embellishment
0305 ̅ overbar embellishment
0306 ̆ breve embellishment
0307 ̇ dot above embellishment
0308 ̈ diaeresis embellishment
0309 ̉ hook above embellishment
030A ̊ ring above embellishment
030B ̋ double acute accent embellishment
030C ̌ check
030D ̍ vertical line above embellishment
030E ̎ double vertical line above embellishment
030F ̏ double grave accent embellishment
0310 ̐ candrabindu embellishment
0311 ̑ inverted breve embellishment
0312 ̒ turned comma above embellishment
0313 ̓ comma above embellishment
0314 ̔ reversed comma above embellishment
0315 ̕ comma above right embellishment
0316 ̖ grave accent below embellishment
0317 ̗ acute accent below embellishment
0318 ̘ left tack below embellishment
0319 ̙ right tack below embellishment
031A ̚ left angle above embellishment
031B ̛ horn embellishment
031C ̜ left half ring below embellishment
031D ̝ up tack below embellishment
031E ̞ down tack below embellishment
031F ̟ plus sign below embellishment
0320 ̠ minus sign below embellishment
0321 ̡ palatalized hook below embellishment
0322 ̢ retroflex hook below embellishment
0323 ̣ dot below embellishment
0324 ̤ diaeresis below embellishment
0325 ̥ ring below embellishment
0326 ̦ comma below embellishment
0327 ̧ cedilla embellishment
0328 ̨ ogonek embellishment
0329 ̩ vertical line below embellishment
032A ̪ bridge below embellishment
032B ̫ inverted double arch below embellishment
032C ̬ caron below embellishment
032D ̭ circumflex accent below embellishment
032E ̮ breve below embellishment
032F ̯ inverted breve below embellishment
0330 ̰ tilde below embellishment
0331 ̱ macron below embellishment
0332 ̲ low line embellishment
0333 ̳ double low line embellishment
0334 ̴ tilde overlay embellishment
0335 ̵ short stroke overlay embellishment
0336 ̶ long stroke overlay embellishment
0337 ̷ short solidus overlay embellishment
0338 ̸ long solidus overlay embellishment
0339 ̹ right half ring below embellishment
033A ̺ inverted bridge below embellishment
033B ̻ square below embellishment
033C ̼ seagull below embellishment
033D ̽ x above embellishment
033E ̾ vertical tilde embellishment
033F ̿ double overline embellishment
0340 ̀ grave tone mark embellishment
0341 ́ acute tone mark embellishment
0346 ͆ bridge above
03AA 03AB 03CF ΪΫϏ capital-beep: beep
capital-prefix: cap
map: ('ΪΫϏ', 'ιυϗ')
with dialytika
03CA ϊ iota with dialytika
03CB ϋ upsilon with dialytika
03CC ό omicron with tonos
03CD ύ upsilon with tonos
03CE ώ omega with tonos
03D0 ϐ beta
03D1 ϑ theta
03D2 ϒ upsilon with hook
03D3 ϓ upsilon with acute and hook
03D4 ϔ upsilon with diaeresis and hook
03D5 ϕ phi
03D6 ϖ pi
03D7 ϗ kai
03D8 Ϙ cap archaic koppa
03D9 ϙ archaic koppa
03DD ϝ digamma
03F5 ϵ epsilon
03F6 ϶ reversed epsilon
0410-042F А-Я capital-beep: beep
capital-prefix: cap
map: ('АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ', 'абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя')
0430 а a
0431 б be
0432 в ve
0433 г ghe
0434 д de
0435 е ie
0436 ж zhe
0437 з ze
0438 и i
0439 й short i
043A к ka
043B л el
043C м em
043D н en
043E о o
043F п pe
0440 р er
0441 с es
0442 т te
0443 у u
0444 ф ef
0445 х ha
0446 ц tse
0447 ч che
0448 ш sha
0449 щ shcha
044A ъ hard sign
044B ы yeru
044C ь soft sign
044D э e
044E ю yu
044F я ya
0606 ؆ Arabic-Indic cube root
0607 ؇ Arabic-Indic fourth root
0608 ؈ Arabic ray
2000-2007  -   ⟨en quad-figure space⟩
2009  ⟨thin space⟩
200A  ⟨hair space⟩
200B  ⟨zero width space⟩
2010 hyphen
2011 hyphen
2012 figure dash
2013 en dash
2014 em dash
2015 horizontal bar
2016 double vertical line
2020 dagger
2021 double dagger
2022 bullet-dot: dot
default: bullet
2026 ellipsis-so-on-end: and so on up to
ellipsis-so-on: and so on
default: dot dot dot
2030 per mille
2031 per ten thousand
2032 prime
2033 double prime
2034 triple prime
2035 reversed prime
2036 reversed double prime
2037 reversed triple prime
2038 to the
2039 single left pointing angle quote mark
203A single right pointing angle quote mark
203B reference mark
203C double factorial
203F under tie
2040 tie
2044 divided by
2045 left square bracket with quill
2046 right square bracket with quill
204E low asterisk
204F reversed semicolon
2050 close up
2051 two vertical asterisks
2052 commercial minus sign
2057 quadruple prime
205F  ⟨medium mathematical space⟩
2060  ⟨word joiner⟩
2070 to the zeroth power
2071 to the eihth power
2074 to the fourth power
2075 to the fifth power
2076 to the sixth power
2077 to the seventh power
2078 to the eighth power
2079 to the ninth power
207A superscript plus sign
207B superscript minus
207C superscript equals sign
207D superscript left parenthesis
207E superscript right parenthesis
207F to the ennth power
2080 sub zero
2081 sub one
2082 sub two
2083 sub three
2084 sub four
2085 sub five
2086 sub six
2087 sub seven
2088 sub eight
2089 sub nine
208A subscript plus sign
208B subscript minus sign
208C subscript equals sign
208D subscript left parenthesis
208E subscript right parenthesis
2090 sub A
2091 sub E
2092 sub O
2093 sub X
2095 sub H
2096 sub K
2097 sub L
2098 sub M
2099 sub N
209A sub P
209B sub S
209C sub T
20A0 european currenty units
20A1 colons
20A2 cruzeiro
20A3 franc
20A4 lira
20A5 mills
20A6 naira
20A7 peseta
20A8 rupees
20A9 won
20AA new sheqels
20AB dong
20AC euros
20AD kip
20AE tugrik
20AF drachma
20B0 german pennies
20B1 pesos
20B2 guaranis
20B3 australs
20B4 hryvnias
20B5 cedis
20B6 livre tournois
20B7 spesmilos
20B8 tenges
20B9 indian rupees
20BA turkish liras
20D0 left harpoon above embellishment
20D1 right harpoon above embellishment
20D2 long vertical line overlay embellishment
20D3 short vertical line overlay embellishment
20D4 anticlockwise arrow above embellishment
20D5 clockwise arrow above embellishment
20D6 left arrow above embellishment
20D7 right arrow above embellishment
20D8 ring overlay embellishment
20D9 clockwise ring overlay embellishment
20DA anticlockwise ring overlay embellishment
20DB triple dot
20DC quadruple dot
20DD enclosing circle embellishment
20DE enclosing square embellishment
20DF enclosing diamond embellishment
20E0 enclosing circle backslash embellishment
20E1 left right arrow above embellishment
20E2 enclosing screen embellishment
20E3 enclosing keycap embellishment
20E4 enclosing upward pointing triangle embellishment
20E5 reverse solidus overlay embellishment
20E6 double verticle stroke embellishment
20E7 annuity symbol embellishment
20E8 triple underdot
20E9 wide bridge above embellishment
20EA leftwards arrow overlay embellishment
20EB long double solidus overlay embellishment
20EC rightwards harpoon with barb downwards embellishment
20ED leftwards harpoon with barb downwards embellishment
20EE left arrow below embellishment
20EF right arrow below embellishment
20F0 asterisk above embellishment
2104 center line symbol
2105 care of
2106 cada una
2107 euler's constant
2108 scruples
2109 degrees fahrenheit
210F terse: h bar
default: reduced planck constant
2113 script l
2114 pounds
2116 number
2118 Weierstrass p
2125 ounces
2126 ohms
2127 mhos
2129 turned iota
212A kelvin
212B angstroms
2132 turned F
2135 first transfinite cardinal
2136 second transfinite cardinal
2137 third transfinite cardinal
2138 fourth transfinite cardinal
213A rotated Q
213C double struck pi
213D double struck gamma
2140 double struck n-ary summation
2141 turned sans-serif G
2142 turned sans-serif L
2143 reversed sans-serif L
2144 turned sans-serif Y
2145 D
2146 d
2147 e
2148 i
214B turned ampersand
214C per
214E turned F
2150 one seventh
2151 one ninth
2152 one tenth
2153 one third
2154 two thirds
2155 one fifth
2156 two fifths
2157 three fifths
2158 four fifths
2159 one sixth
215A five sixths
215B one eighth
215C three eighths
215D five eighths
215E seven eighths
215F one over
2160 I
2161 I I
2162 I I I
2163 I V
2164 V
2165 V I
2166 V I I
2167 V I I I
2168 I X
2169 X
216A X I
216B X I I
216C L
216D C
216E D
216F M
2170 I
2171 I I
2172 I I I
2173 I V
2174 V
2175 V I
2176 V I I
2177 V I I I
2178 I X
2179 X
217A X I
217B X I I
217C L
217D C
217E D
217F M
2189 zero thirds
2190 leftwards arrow
2191 upwards arrow
2192 rightwards arrow
2193 downwards arrow
2194 left right arrow
2195 up down arrow
2196 north west arrow
2197 limit: approaches from below
default: north east arrow
2198 limit: approaches from above
default: south east arrow
2199 south west arrow
219A leftwards arrow with stroke
219B rightwards arrow with stroke
219C leftwards wave arrow
219D rightwards wave arrow
219E leftwards two headed arrow
219F upwards two headed arrow
21A0 rightwards two headed arrow
21A1 downwards two headed arrow
21A2 leftwards arrow with tail
21A3 rightwards arrow with tail
21A4 leftwards arrow from bar
21A5 upwards arrow from bar
21A6 rightwards arrow from bar
21A7 downwards arrow from bar
21A8 up down arrow with base
21A9 leftwards arrow with hook
21AA rightwards arrow with hook
21AB leftwards arrow with loop
21AC rightwards arrow with loop
21AD left right wave arrow
21AE left right arrow with stroke
21AF downwards zigzag arrow
21B0 upwards arrow with tip leftwards
21B1 upwards arrow with tip rightwards
21B2 downwards arrow with tip leftwards
21B3 downwards arrow with tip rightwards
21B4 rightwards arrow with corner downwards
21B5 downwards arrow with corner leftwards
21B6 anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
21B7 clockwise top semicircle arrow
21B8 north west arrow to long bar
21B9 leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
21BA anticlockwise open circle arrow
21BB clockwise open circle arrow
21BC left harpoon up
21BD left harpoon down
21BE up harpoon right
21BF up harpoon left
21C0 right harpoon up
21C1 right harpoon down
21C2 down harpoon right
21C3 down harpoon left
21C4 rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
21C5 upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
21C6 leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
21C7 leftwards paired arrows
21C8 upwards paired arrows
21C9 rightwards paired arrows
21CA downwards paired arrows
21CB left harpoon over right harpoon
21CC right harpoon over left harpoon
21CD leftwards double arrow with stroke
21CE left right double arrow with stroke
21CF rightwards double arrow with stroke
21D0 leftwards double arrow
21D1 upwards double arrow
21D2 rightwards double arrow
21D3 downwards double arrow
21D4 left right double arrow
21D5 up down double arrow
21D6 north west double arrow
21D7 north east double arrow
21D8 south east double arrow
21D9 south west double arrow
21DA leftwards triple arrow
21DB rightwards triple arrow
21DC leftwards squiggle arrow
21DD rightwards squiggle arrow
21DE upwards arrow with double stroke
21DF downwards arrow with double stroke
21E0 leftwards dashed arrow
21E1 upwards dashed arrow
21E2 rightwards dashed arrow
21E3 downwards dashed arrow
21E4 leftwards arrow to bar
21E5 rightwards arrow to bar
21E6 leftwards white arrow
21E7 upwards white arrow
21E8 rightwards white arrow
21E9 downwards white arrow
21EA upwards white arrow from bar
21EB upwards white arrow on pedestal
21EC upwards white arrow on pedestal with horizontal bar
21ED upwards white arrow on pedestal with vertical bar
21EE upwards white double arrow
21EF upwards white double arrow on pedestal
21F0 rightwards white arrow from wall
21F1 north west arrow to corner
21F2 south east arrow to corner
21F3 up down white arrow
21F4 right arrow with small circle
21F5 downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
21F6 three rightwards arrows
21F7 leftwards arrow with vertical stroke
21F8 rightwards arrow with vertical stroke
21F9 left right arrow with vertical stroke
21FA leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke
21FB rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke
21FC left right arrow with double vertical stroke
21FD leftwards open headed arrow
21FE rightwards open headed arrow
21FF left right open headed arrow
2200 for all
2201 not-terse: the
complement of
2202 terse: partial
default: partial derivative
2203 there exists
2204 there does not exist
2205 empty set
2206 not-terse: the
laplacian of
2207 not-terse: the
gradient of
2208 element-member-verbose: is a member of
element-member: member of
element-belonging: belonging to
element-belongs: belongs to
element-in-verbose: is in
element-in: in
element-verbose: is an element of
default: an element of
2209 element-member-verbose: is not a member of
element-member: not member of
element-belonging: not belonging to
element-belongs: does not belong to
element-in-verbose: is not in
element-in: not in
element-verbose: is not an element of
default: not an element of
220A element-member-verbose: is a member of
element-member: member of
element-belonging: belonging to
element-belongs: belongs to
element-in-verbose: is in
element-in: in
element-verbose: is an element of
default: an element of
220B contains the member
220C does not contain the member
220D contains the member
220E end of proof
220F product
2210 coproduct
2211 sum
2212 minus
2213 minus or plus
2214 dot plus
2215 divided by
2216 set minus
2217 times
2218 composed with
2219 bullet-dot: dot
bullet-times: times
default: bullet
221A not-terse: the
square root of
221B not-terse: the
cube root of
221C not-terse: the
fourth root of
221D not-terse: is
proportional to
221E infinity
221F right angle
2220 angle
2221 measured angle
2222 spherical angle
2223 divides
2224 does not divide
2227 and
2228 or
2229 intersection
222A union
222B integral
222C double integral
222D triple integral
222E contour integral
222F surface integral
2230 volume integral
2231 clockwise integral
2232 clockwise contour integral
2233 anticlockwise contour integral
2234 therefore
2235 because
2236 not-terse: is
2237 as
2238 dot minus
2239 has excess compared to
223A not-terse: is
geometrically proportional to
223B not-terse: is
homothetic to
223C varies with
223D reversed tilde
223E not-terse: is
most positive
223F sine wave
2240 wreath product
2241 not tilde
2242 minus tilde
2243 not-terse: is
asymptotically equal to
2244 not-terse: is
not asymptotically equal to
2245 not-terse: is
approximately equal to
2246 not-terse: is
approximately but not actually equal to
2247 not-terse: is
neither approximately nor actually equal to
2248 not-terse: is
almost equal to
2249 not-terse: is
not almost equal to
224A not-terse: is
almost equal or equal to
224B triple tilde
224C are all equal to
224D not-terse: is
equivalent to
224E not-terse: is
geometrically equivalent to
224F not-terse: the
difference between
2250 approaches the limit
2251 not-terse: is
geometrically equal to
2252 not-terse: is
approximately equal to or the image of
2253 not-terse: is the
image of or approximately equal to
2254 colon equals
2255 equals colon
2256 ring in equal to
2257 not-terse: is
approximately equal to
2258 corresponds to
2259 estimates
225A not-terse: is
equiangular to
225B star equals
225C delta equals
225D is defined to be
225E not-terse: is
measured by
225F has an unknown relationship with
2260 not-terse: is
not equal to
2261 not-terse: is
identical to
2262 not-terse: is
not identical to
2263 not-terse: is
strictly equivalent to
2266 less than over equal to
2267 greater than over equal to
2268 not-terse: is
less than but not equal to
2269 not-terse: is
greater than but not equal to
226A not-terse: is
much less than
226B not-terse: is
much greater than
226C not-terse: is
226D not-terse: is
not equivalent to
226E not-terse: is
not less than
226F not-terse: is
not greater than
2270 not-terse: is
neither less than nor equal to
2271 not-terse: is
neither greater than nor equal to
2272 not-terse: is
less than or equivalent to
2273 not-terse: is
greater than or equivalent to
2274 not-terse: is
neither less than nor equivalent to
2275 not-terse: is
neither greater than nor equivalent to
2276 not-terse: is
less than or greater than
2277 not-terse: is
greater than or less than
2278 not-terse: is
neither less than nor greater than
2279 not-terse: is
neither greater than nor less than
227A precedes
227B succeeds
227C precedes or is equal to
227D succeeds or is equal to
227E precedes or is equivalent to
227F succeeds or is equivalent to
2280 does not precede
2281 does not succeed
2282 not-terse: is a
subset of
2283 not-terse: is a
superset of
2284 not-terse: is
not a subset of
2285 not-terse: is
not a superset of
2286 not-terse: is a
subset of or equal to
2287 not-terse: is a
superset of or equal to
2288 not-terse: is
neither a subset of nor equal to
2289 not-terse: is
neither a superset of nor equal to
228A subset of with not equal to
228B superset of with not equal to
228C multiset
228D multiset multiplication
228E multiset union
228F square image of
2290 square original of
2291 square image of or equal to
2292 square original of or equal to
2293 square cap
2294 square cup
2295 circled plus
2296 circled minus
2297 circled times
2298 circled slash
2299 circled dot operator
229A circled ring
229B circled asterisk
229C circled equals
229D circled dash
229E squared plus
229F squared minus
22A0 squared times
22A1 squared dot operator
22A2 proves
22A3 does not yield
22A4 top
22A5 not-terse: is
22A6 reduces to
22A7 models
22A8 not-terse: is
22A9 forces
22AA triple vertical bar right turnstile
22AB double vertical bar double right turnstile
22AC does not prove
22AD not-terse: is
not true
22AE does not force
22AF negated double vertical bar double right turnstile
22B0 precedes under relation
22B1 succeeds under relation
22B2 not-terse: is
a normal subgroup of
22B3 contains as a normal subgroup
22B4 not-terse: is
a normal subgroup of or equal to
22B5 contains as a normal subgroup or equal to
22B6 not-terse: is
the original of
22B7 not-terse: is
an image of
22B8 multimap
22B9 hermitian conjugate matrix
22BA intercalate
22BB xor
22BC nand
22BD nor
22BE right angle with arc
22BF right triangle
22C0 logical and
22C1 logical or
22C2 intersection
22C3 union
22C4 diamond operator
22C5 bullet-dot: dot
bullet-times: times
default: bullet
22C6 times
22C7 division times
22C8 bowtie
22C9 not-terse: is
the left normal factor semidirect product of
22CA not-terse: is
the right normal factor semidirect product of
22CB not-terse: is
the left semidirect product of
22CC not-terse: is
the right semidirect product of
22CD reversed tilde equals
22CE curly logical or
22CF curly logical and
22D0 not-terse: is
a double subset of
22D1 not-terse: is
a double superset of
22D2 not-terse: the
double intersection of
22D3 not-terse: the
double union of
22D4 not-terse: the
proper intersection of
22D5 not-terse: is
equal to and parallel to
22D6 less than with dot
22D7 greater than with dot
22D8 not-terse: is
very much less than
22D9 not-terse: is
very much greater than
22DA not-terse: is
less than equal to or greater than
22DB not-terse: is
greater than equal to or less than
22DC not-terse: is
equal to or less than
22DD not-terse: is
equal to or greater than
22DE not-terse: is
equal to or precedes
22DF not-terse: is
equal to or succeeds
22E0 does not precede nor is equal to
22E1 does not succeed nor is equal to
22E2 not square image of or equal to
22E3 not square original of or equal to
22E4 square image of or not equal to
22E5 square original of or not equal to
22E6 not-terse: is
less than but not equivalent to
22E7 not-terse: is
greater than but not equivalent to
22E8 precedes but is not equivalent to
22E9 succeeds but is not equivalent to
22EA not-terse: is
not a normal subgroup of
22EB does not contain as a normal subgroup
22EC not-terse: is
not a normal subgroup of nor is equal to
22ED does not contain as a normal subgroup nor is equal to
22EE vertical ellipsis
22EF dot dot dot
22F0 upwards diagonal ellipsis
22F1 diagonal ellipsis
22F2 element of with long horizontal stroke
22F3 element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
22F4 element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
22F5 element of with dot above
22F6 element of with overbar
22F7 element of with overbar
22F8 element of with underbar
22F9 element of with two horizontal strokes
22FA contains with long horizontal stroke
22FB contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
22FC contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
22FD contains with overbar
22FE contains with overbar
22FF z notation bag membership
2300 diameter
2301 electric arrow
2302 house
2303 up arrowhead
2304 down arrowhead
2305 projective
2306 perspective
2307 wavy line
2308 left ceiling
2309 right ceiling
230A left floor
230B right floor
230C bottom right crop
230D bottom left crop
230E top right crop
230F top left crop
2310 reversed not sign
2311 square lozenge
2312 arc
2313 segment
2314 sector
2315 telephone recorder
2316 position indicator crosshairs
2317 viewdata square
2318 place of interest sign
2319 turned not sign
231A watch
231B hourglass
231C top left corner
231D top right corner
231E bottom left corner
231F bottom right corner
2320 top half integral
2321 bottom half integral
2322 frown
2323 smile
2324 up arrowhead between two horizontal bars
2325 option key
2326 erase to the right
2327 x in a rectangle box
2328 keyboard
2329 left pointing angle bracket
232A right pointing angle bracket
232B erase to the left
232C benzene ring
232D cylindricity
232E all around profile
232F symmetry
2330 total runout
2331 dimension origin
2332 conical taper
2333 slope
2334 counterbore
2335 countersink
2336 apl i beam
233D apl circle stile
233F apl slash bar
2370 unknown box
237C right angle with downwards zigzag arrow
2394 hexagon
2395 box
23B4 over square bracket
23B5 under square bracket
23B6 bottom square bracket over top square bracket
23DC top paren
23DD bottom paren
23DE top brace
23DF bottom brace
23E0 top tortoise shell bracket
23E1 bottom tortoise shell bracket
23E2 white trapezium
23E3 benzene right with circle
23E4 straightness
23E5 flatness
23E7 electrical intersection
2460-2468 ①-⑨ circled
map: ('①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨', '123456789')
2469 circled ten
246A circled eleven
246B circled twelve
246C circled thirteen
246D circled fourteen
246E circled fifteen
246F circled sixteen
2470 circled seventeen
2471 circled eighteen
2473 circled twenty
2474-247C ⑴-⑼ parenthesized
map: ('⑴⑵⑶⑷⑸⑹⑺⑻⑼', '123456789')
247D parenthesized ten
247E parenthesized eleven
247F parenthesized twelve
2480 parenthesized thirteen
2481 parenthesized fourteen
2482 parenthesized fifteen
2483 parenthesized sixteen
2484 parenthesized seventeen
2485 parenthesized eighteen
2486 parenthesized nineteen
2487 parenthesized twenty
2488-2490 ⒈-⒐ map: ('⒈⒉⒊⒋⒌⒍⒎⒏⒐', '123456789')
with period
2491 ten with period
2492 eleven with period
2493 twelve with period
2494 thirteen with period
2495 fourteen with period
2496 fifteen with period
2497 sixteen with period
2498 seventeen with period
2499 eighteen with period
249A nineteen with period
249B twenty with period
249C-24B5 ⒜-⒵ parenthesized
map: ('⒜⒝⒞⒟⒠⒡⒢⒣⒤⒥⒦⒧⒨⒩⒪⒫⒬⒭⒮⒯⒰⒱⒲⒳⒴⒵', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
24B6-24E9 Ⓐ-ⓩ circled
24D0-24E9 ⓐ-ⓩ circled
map: ('ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛⓜⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
24EA circled zero
24EB black circled eleven
24EC black circled twelve
24ED black circled thirteen
24EE black circled fourteen
24EF black circled fifteen
24F0 black circled sixteen
24F1 black circled seventeen
24F2 black circled eighteen
24F3 black circled nineteen
24F4 black circled twenty
24F5-24FD ⓵-⓽ double circled
map: ('⓵⓶⓷⓸⓹⓺⓻⓼⓽', '123456789')
24FE double circled ten
24FF black circled zero
25A0 black square
25A1 white square
25A2 white square with rounded corners
25A3 white square containing small black square
25A4 square with horizontal fill
25A5 square with vertical fill
25A6 square with orthogonal crosshatch fill
25A7 square with upper left to lower right fill
25A8 square with upper right to lower left fill
25A9 square with diagonal crosshatch fill
25AA black small square
25AB white small square
25AC black rectangle
25AD white rectangle
25AE black vertical rectangle
25AF white vertical rectangle
25B0 black parallelogram
25B1 white parallelogram
25B2 black up pointing triangle
25B3 white up pointing triangle
25B4 black up pointing small triangle
25B5 white up pointing small triangle
25B6 black right pointing triangle
25B7 white right pointing triangle
25B8 black right pointing small triangle
25B9 white right pointing small triangle
25BA black right pointing pointer
25BB white right pointing pointer
25BC black down pointing triangle
25BD white down pointing triangle
25BE black down pointing small triangle
25BF white down pointing small triangle
25C0 black left pointing triangle
25C1 white left pointing triangle
25C2 black left pointing small triangle
25C3 white left pointing small triangle
25C4 black left pointing pointer
25C5 white left pointing pointer
25C6 black diamond
25C7 white diamond
25C8 white diamond containing black small diamond
25C9 fisheye
25CA lozenge
25CB white circle
25CC dotted circle
25CD circle with vertical fill
25CE bullseye
25CF black circle
25D0 circle with left half black
25D1 circle with right half black
25D2 circle with lower half black
25D3 circle with upper half black
25D4 circle with upper right quadrant black
25D5 circle with all but upper left quadrant black
25D6 left half black circle
25D7 right half black circle
25D8 inverse bullet
25D9 inverse white circle
25DA upper half inverse white circle
25DB lower half inverse white circle
25DC upper left quadrant circular arc
25DD upper right quadrant circular arc
25DE lower right quadrant circular arc
25DF lower left quadrant circular arc
25E0 upper half circle
25E1 lower half circle
25E2 black lower right triangle
25E3 black lower left triangle
25E4 black upper left triangle
25E5 black upper right triangle
25E6 composition
25E7 square with left half black
25E8 square with right half black
25E9 square with upper left half black
25EA square with lower right half black
25EB white square with bisecting line
25EC white up pointing triangle with dot
25ED up pointing triangle with left half black
25EE up pointing triangle with right half black
25EF large circle
25F0 white square with upper left quadrant
25F1 white square with lower left quadrant
25F2 white square with lower right quadrant
25F3 white square with upper right quadrant
25F4 white circle with upper left quadrant
25F5 white circle with lower left quadrant
25F6 white circle with lower right quadrant
25F7 white circle with upper right quadrant
25F8 upper left triangle
25F9 upper right triangle
25FA lower left triangle
25FB white medium square
25FC black medium square
25FD white medium small square
25FE black medium small square
25FF lower right triangle
2605 black star
2606 white star
2609 sun
260C conjuction
2612 ballot box with x
263D waxing moon
263E waning moon
263F mercury
2640 female
2641 earth
2642 male
2643 jupiter
2644 saturn
2645 uranus
2646 neptune
2647 pluto
2648 aries
2649 taurus
2660 black spade suit
2661 white heart suit
2662 white diamond suit
2663 black club suit
2664 white spade suit
2665 black heart suit
2666 black diamond suit
2667 white club suit
2669 quarter note
266D flat
266E natural
266F sharp
2680 die face 1
2681 die face 2
2682 die face 3
2683 die face 4
2684 die face 5
2685 die face 6
2686 white circle with dot right
2687 white circle wiht two dots
2688 black circle with dot right
2689 black circle wiht two dots
26AA medium white circle
26AB medium black circle
26AC medium small white circle
26B2 neuter
2713 check mark
2720 maltese cross
272A circled white star
2736 six pionted black star
2768 medium left parentheses ornament
2769 medium right parentheses ornament
276A medium flattened left parentheses ornament
276B medium flattened right parentheses ornament
276C medium left-pointing angle bracket ornament
276D medium right-pointing angle bracket ornament
276E heavy left-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
276F heavy right-pointing angle quotation mark ornament
2770 heavy left-pointing angle bracket ornament
2771 heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornament
2772 light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
2773 light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
2774 medium left brace ornament
2775 medium right brace ornament
2776 black circled one
2777 black circled two
2778 black circled three
2779 black circled four
277A black circled five
277B black circled six
277C black circled seven
277D black circled eight
277E black circled nine
277F black circled ten
2780 circled sans serif one
2781 circled sans serif two
2782 circled sans serif three
2783 circled sans serif four
2784 circled sans serif five
2785 circled sans serif six
2786 circled sans serif seven
2787 circled sans serif eight
2788 circled sans serif nine
2789 circled sans serif ten
278A black circled sans serif one
278B black circled sans serif two
278C black circled sans serif three
278D black circled sans serif four
278E black circled sans serif five
278F black circled sans serif six
2790 black circled sans serif seven
2791 black circled sans serif eight
2792 black circled sans serif nine
2793 black circled sans serif ten
2794 heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow
2795 heavy plus sign
2796 heavy minus sign
2797 heavy division sign
2798 heavy south east arrow
2799 heavy rightwards arrow
279A heavy north east arrow
279B drafting point rightwards arrow
279C heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow
279D triangle-headed rightwards arrow
279E heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow
279F dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
27A0 heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
27A1 black rightwards arrow
27A2 three d top lighted rightwards arrow
27A3 three d bottom lighted rightwards arrow
27A4 black rightwards arrowhead
27A5 heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow
27A6 heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow
27A7 squat black rightwards arrow
27A8 heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow
27A9 right-shaded white rightwards arrow
27AA left-shaded white rightwards arrow
27AB back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
27AC front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
27AD heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27AE heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27AF notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27B1 notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
27B2 circled heavy white rightwards arrow
27B3 white-feathered rightwards arrow
27B4 black-feathered south east arrow
27B5 black-feathered rightwards arrow
27B6 black-feathered north east arrow
27B7 heavy black-feathered south east arrow
27B8 heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow
27B9 heavy black-feathered north east arrow
27BA teradrop-barbed rightwards arrow
27BB heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow
27BC wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
27BD heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
27BE open-outlined rightwards arrow
27C0 three dimensional angle
27C1 white triangle containing small white triangle
27C2 not-terse: is
perpendicular to
27C3 not-terse: is
an open subset of
27C4 not-terse: is
an open superset of
27C5 left s-shaped bag delimiter
27C6 right s-shaped bag delimiter
27C7 or with dot inside
27C8 reverse solidus preceding subset
27C9 superset preceding solidus
27CA vertical bar with horizontal stroke
27CB mathematical rising diagonal
27CC long division
27CD mathematical falling diagonal
27CE squared logical and
27CF squared logical or
27D0 white diamond with centered dot
27D1 and with dot
27D2 element of opening upwards
27D3 lower right corner with dot
27D4 upper left corner with dot
27D5 left outer join
27D6 right outer join
27D7 full outer join
27D8 large up tack
27D9 large down tack
27DA left and right double turnstile
27DB left and right tack
27DC left multimap
27DD long right tack
27DE long left tack
27DF up tack with circle above
27E0 lozenge divided by horizontal rule
27E1 white concave sided diamond
27E2 white concave sided diamond with leftwards tick
27E3 white concave sided diamond with rightwards tick
27E4 white square with leftwards tick
27E5 white square with rightwards tick
27E6 left white square bracket
27E7 right white square bracket
27E8 left angle bracket
27E9 right angle bracket
27EA left double angle bracket
27EB right double angle bracket
27EC left white tortoise shell bracket
27ED right white tortoise shell bracket
27EE left flattened parenthesis
27EF right flattened parenthesis
27F0 upwards quadruple arrow
27F1 downwards quadruple arrow
27F2 anticlockwise gapped circle arrow
27F3 clockwise gapped circle arrow
27F4 right arrow with circled plus
27F5 long leftwards arrow
27F6 long rightwards arrow
27F7 long left right arrow
27F8 long leftwards double arrow
27F9 long rightwards double arrow
27FA long left right double arrow
27FB long leftwards arrow from bar
27FC long rightwards arrow from bar
27FD long leftwards double arrow from bar
27FE long rightwards double arrow from bar
27FF long rightwards squiggle arrow
2900 rightwards two headed arrow with vertical stroke
2901 rightwards two headed arrow with double vertical stroke
2902 leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke
2903 rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke
2904 left right double arrow with vertical stroke
2905 rightwards two headed arrow from bar
2906 leftwards double arrow from bar
2907 rightwards double arrow from bar
2908 downwards arrow with horizontal stroke
2909 upwards arrow with horizontal stroke
290A upwards triple arrow
290B downwards triple arrow
290C leftwards double dash arrow
290D rightwards double dash arrow
290E leftwards triple dash arrow
290F rightwards triple dash arrow
2910 rightwards two headed triple dash arrow
2911 rightwards arrow with dotted stem
2912 upwards arrow to bar
2913 downwards arrow to bar
2914 rightwards arrow with tail and vertical stroke
2915 rightwards arrow with tail and double vertical stroke
2916 rightwards two headed arrow with tail
2917 rightwards two headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke
2918 rightwards two headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke
2919 leftwards arrow tail
291A rightwards arrow tail
291B leftwards double arrow tail
291C rightwards double arrow tail
291D leftwards arrow to filled diamond
291E rightwards arrow to filled diamond
291F leftwards arrow from bar to filled diamond
2920 rightwards arrow from bar to filled diamond
2921 north west and south east arrow
2922 north east and south west arrow
2923 north west arrow with hook
2924 north east arrow with hook
2925 south east arrow with hook
2926 south west arrow with hook
2927 north west arrow and north east arrow
2928 north east arrow and south east arrow
2929 south east arrow and south west arrow
292A south west arrow and north west arrow
292B rising diagonal crossing falling diagonal
292C falling diagonal crossing rising diagonal
292D south east arrow crossing north east arrow
292E north east arrow crossing south east arrow
292F falling diagonal crossing north east arrow
2930 rising diagonal crossing south east arrow
2931 north east arrow crossing north west arrow
2932 north west arrow crossing north east arrow
2933 wave arrow pointing directly right
2934 arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards
2935 arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
2936 arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards
2937 arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards
2938 right side arc clockwise arrow
2939 left side arc anticlockwise arrow
293A top arc anticlockwise arrow
293B bottom arc anticlockwise arrow
293C top arc clockwise arrow with minus
293D top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus
293E lower right semicircular clockwise arrow
293F ⤿ lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow
2940 anticlockwise closed circle arrow
2941 clockwise closed circle arrow
2942 rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow
2943 leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow
2944 short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow
2945 rightwards arrow with plus below
2946 leftwards arrow with plus below
2947 rightwards arrow through x
2948 left right arrow through circle
2949 upwards two headed arrow from circle
294A left barb up right barb down harpoon
294B left barb down right barb up harpoon
294C up barb right down barb left harpoon
294D up barb left down barb right harpoon
294E left barb up right barb up harpoon
294F up barb right down barb right harpoon
2950 left barb down right barb down harpoon
2951 up barb left down barb left harpoon
2952 leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar
2953 rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar
2954 upwards harpoon with barb right to bar
2955 downwards harpoon with barb right to bar
2956 leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar
2957 rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar
2958 upwards harpoon with barb left to bar
2959 downwards harpoon with barb left to bar
295A leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar
295B rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar
295C upwards harpoon with barb right from bar
295D downwards harpoon with barb right from bar
295E leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar
295F rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar
2960 upwards harpoon with barb left from bar
2961 downwards harpoon with barb left from bar
2962 leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down
2963 upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right
2964 rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down
2965 downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right
2966 leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up
2967 leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down
2968 rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up
2969 rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down
296A leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
296B leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
296C rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
296D rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
296E upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right
296F downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right
2970 right double arrow with rounded head
2971 equals above rightwards arrow
2972 tilde operator above rightwards arrow
2973 leftwards arrow above tilde operator
2974 rightwards arrow above tilde operator
2975 rightwards arrow above almost equal to
2976 less than above leftwards arrow
2977 leftwards arrow through less than
2978 greater than above rightwards arrow
2979 subset above rightwards arrow
297A leftwards arrow through subset
297B superset above leftwards arrow
297C left fish tail
297D right fish tail
297E up fish tail
297F ⥿ down fish tail
2980 triple vertical bar delimiter
2981 z notation spot
2982 z notation type colon
2983 left white brace
2984 right white brace
2985 left white parenthesis
2986 right white parenthesis
2987 z notation left image bracket
2988 z notation right image bracket
2989 z notation left binding bracket
298A z notation right binding bracket
298B left square bracket with underbar
298C right square bracket with underbar
298D left square bracket with tick in top corner
298E right square bracket with tick in bottom corner
298F left square bracket with tick in bottom corner
2990 right square bracket with tick in top corner
2991 left angle bracket with dot
2992 right angle bracket with dot
2993 left arc less than bracket
2994 right arc greater than bracket
2995 double left arc greater than bracket
2996 double right arc less than bracket
2997 left black tortoise shell bracket
2998 right black tortoise shell bracket
2999 dotted fence
299A vertical zigzag line
299B measured angle opening left
299C right angle variant with square
299D measured right angle with dot
299E angle with s inside
299F acute angle
29A0 spherical angle opening left
29A1 spherical angle opening up
29A2 turned angle
29A3 reversed angle
29A4 angle with underbar
29A5 reversed angle with underbar
29A6 oblique angle opening up
29A7 oblique angle opening down
29A8 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and to the right
29A9 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and to the left
29AA measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and to the right
29AB measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and to the left
29AC measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up
29AD measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up
29AE measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down
29AF measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down
29B0 reversed empty set
29B1 empty set with overbar
29B2 empty set with small circle above
29B3 empty set with right arrow above
29B4 empty set with left arrow above
29B5 circle with horizontal bar
29B6 circled vertical bar
29B7 circled parallel
29B8 circled reverse solidus
29B9 circled perpendicular
29BA circled divided by horizontal bar and top half divided by vertical bar
29BB circle with superimposed x
29BC circled anticlockwise rotated division sign
29BD up arrow through circle
29BE circled white bullet
29BF ⦿ circled bullet
29C0 circled less than
29C1 circled greater than
29C2 circle with small circle to the right
29C3 circle with two horizontal strokes to the right
29C4 squared rising diagonal slash
29C5 squared falling diagonal slash
29C6 squared asterisk
29C7 squared small circle
29C8 squared square
29C9 two joined squares
29CA triangle with dot above
29CB triangle with underbar
29CC s in triangle
29CD triangle with serifs at bottom
29CE right triangle above left triangle
29CF left triangle beside vertical bar
29D0 vertical bar beside right triangle
29D1 bowtie with left half black
29D2 bowtie with right half black
29D3 black bowtie
29D4 times with left half black
29D5 times with right half black
29D6 white hourglass
29D7 black hourglass
29D8 left wiggly fence
29D9 right wiggly fence
29DA left double wiggly fence
29DB right double wiggly fence
29DC incomplete infinity
29DD tie over infinity
29DE infinity negated with vertical bar
29DF double-ended multimap
29E0 square with contoured outline
29E1 increases as
29E2 shuffle product
29E3 equals sign and slanted parallel
29E4 equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above
29E5 identical to and slanted parallel
29E6 gleich stark
29E7 thermodynamic
29E8 down pointing triangle with left half black
29E9 down pointing triangle with right half black
29EA black diamond with down arrow
29EB black lozenge
29EC white circle with down arrow
29ED black circle with down arrow
29EE error-barred white square
29EF error-barred black square
29F0 error-barred white diamond
29F1 error-barred black diamond
29F2 error-barred white circle
29F3 error-barred black circle
29F4 rule-delayed
29F5 reverse solidus operator
29F6 solidus with overbar
29F7 reverse solidus with horizontal stroke
29F8 big solidus
29F9 big reverse solidus
29FA double plus
29FB triple plus
29FC left pointing curved angle bracket
29FD right pointing curved angle bracket
29FE tiny
29FF ⧿ miny
2A00 circled dot operator
2A01 circled plus operator
2A02 circled times operator
2A03 union operator with dot
2A04 union operator with plus
2A05 square intersection operator
2A06 square union operator
2A07 two logical and operator
2A08 two logical or operator
2A09 times operator
2A0A modulo two sum
2A0B summation with integral
2A0C quadruple integral operator
2A0D finite part integral
2A0E integral with double stroke
2A0F integral average with slash
2A10 circulation function
2A11 anticlockwise integration
2A12 line integration with rectangular path around pole
2A13 line integration with semicircular path around pole
2A14 line integration not including the pole
2A15 integral around a point operator
2A16 quaternion integral operator
2A17 integral with leftwards arrow with hook
2A18 integral with times sign
2A19 integral with intersection
2A1A integral with union
2A1B integral with overbar
2A1C integral with underbar
2A1D join
2A1E large left triangle operator
2A1F z notation schema composition
2A20 z notation schema piping
2A21 z notation schema projection
2A22 plus sign with circle above
2A23 plus sign with circumflex accent above
2A24 plus sign with tilde above
2A25 plus sign with dot below
2A26 plus sign with tilde below
2A27 plus sign with subscript two
2A28 plus sign with black triangle
2A29 minus sign with comma above
2A2A minus sign with dot below
2A2B minus sign with falling dots
2A2C minus sign with rising dots
2A2D plus sign in left half circle
2A2E plus sign in right half circle
2A2F cross product
2A30 multiplication sign with dot above
2A31 multiplication sign with underbar
2A32 semidirect product with bottom closed
2A33 smash product
2A34 multiplication sign in left half circle
2A35 multiplication sign in right half circle
2A36 circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
2A37 multiplication sign in double circle
2A38 circled division sign
2A39 plus sign in triangle
2A3A minus sign in triangle
2A3B multiplication sign in triangle
2A3C interior product
2A3D righthand interior product
2A3E z notation relational composition
2A3F ⨿ amalgamation or coproduct
2A40 intersection with dot
2A41 union with minus sign
2A42 union with overbar
2A43 intersection with overbar
2A44 intersection with logical and
2A45 union with logical or
2A46 union above intersection
2A47 intersection above union
2A48 union above bar above intersection
2A49 intersection above bar above union
2A4A union beside and joined with union
2A4B intersection beside and joined with intersection
2A4C closed union with serifs
2A4D closed intersection with serifs
2A4E double square intersection
2A4F double square union
2A50 closed union with serifs and smash product
2A51 logical and with dot above
2A52 logical or with dot above
2A53 double logical and
2A54 double logical or
2A55 two intersecting logical and
2A56 two intersecting logical or
2A57 sloping large or
2A58 sloping large and
2A59 logical or overlapping logical and
2A5A logical and with middle stem
2A5B logical or with middle stem
2A5C logical and with horizontal dash
2A5D logical or with horizontal dash
2A5E logical and with double overbar
2A5F logical and with underbar
2A60 logical and with double underbar
2A61 small vee with underbar
2A62 logical or with double overbar
2A63 logical or with double underbar
2A64 z notation domain antirestriction
2A65 z notation range antirestriction
2A66 equals sign with dot below
2A67 identical with dot above
2A68 triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke
2A69 triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke
2A6A tilde operator with dot above
2A6B tilde operator with rising dots
2A6C similar minus similar
2A6D congruent with dot above
2A6E equals with asterisk
2A6F almost equal to with circumflex accent
2A70 approximately equal to or equal to
2A71 equals sign above plus sign
2A72 plus sign above equals sign
2A73 equals sign above tilde operator
2A74 double colon equal
2A75 two consecutive equals signs
2A76 three consecutive equals signs
2A77 equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
2A78 equivalent with four dots above
2A79 less than with circle inside
2A7A greater than with circle inside
2A7B less than with question mark above
2A7C greater than with question mark above
2A7D less than or slanted equal to
2A7E greater than or slanted equal to
2A7F ⩿ less than or slanted equal to with dot inside
2A80 greater than or slanted equal to with dot inside
2A81 less than or slanted equal to with dot above
2A82 greater than or slanted equal to with dot above
2A83 less than or slanted equal to with dot above right
2A84 greater than or slanted equal to with dot above left
2A85 less than or approximate
2A86 greater than or approximate
2A87 less than and single line not equal to
2A88 greater than and single line not equal to
2A89 less than and not approximate
2A8A greater than and not approximate
2A8B less than above double line equal above greater than
2A8C greater than above double line equal above less than
2A8D less than above similar or equal
2A8E greater than above similar or equal
2A8F less than above similar above greater than
2A90 greater than above similar above less than
2A91 less than above greater than above double line equal
2A92 greater than above less than above double line equal
2A93 less than above slanted equal above greater than above slanted equal
2A94 greater than above slanted equal above less than above slanted equal
2A95 slanted equal to or less than
2A96 slanted equal to or greater than
2A97 slanted equal to or less than with dot inside
2A98 slanted equal to or greater than with dot inside
2A99 double line equal to or less than
2A9A double line equal to or greater than
2A9B double line slanted equal to or less than
2A9C double line slanted equal to or greater than
2A9D similar or less than
2A9E similar or greater than
2A9F similar above less than above equals sign
2AA0 similar above greater than above equals sign
2AA1 double nested less than
2AA2 double nested greater than
2AA3 double nested less than with underbar
2AA4 greater than overlapping less than
2AA5 greater than beside less than
2AA6 less than closed by curve
2AA7 greater than closed by curve
2AA8 less than closed by curve above slanted equal
2AA9 greater than closed by curve above slanted equal
2AAA smaller than
2AAB larger than
2AAC smaller than or equal to
2AAD larger than or equal to
2AAE equals sign with bumpy above
2AAF precedes above single line equals sign
2AB0 succeeds above single line equals sign
2AB1 precedes above single line not equal to
2AB2 succeeds above single line not equal to
2AB3 precedes above equals sign
2AB4 succeeds above equals sign
2AB5 precedes above not equal to
2AB6 succeeds above not equal to
2AB7 precedes above almost equal to
2AB8 succeeds above almost equal to
2AB9 precedes above not almost equal to
2ABA succeeds above not almost equal to
2ABB double precedes
2ABC double succeeds
2ABD subset with dot
2ABE superset with dot
2ABF ⪿ subset with plus sign below
2AC0 superset with plus sign below
2AC1 subset with multiplication sign below
2AC2 superset with multiplication sign below
2AC3 subset of or equal to with dot above
2AC4 superset of or equal to with dot above
2AC5 subset of above equals sign
2AC6 superset of above equals sign
2AC7 subset of above tilde operator
2AC8 superset of above tilde operator
2AC9 subset of above almost equal to
2ACA superset of above almost equal to
2ACB subset above not equal to
2ACC superset of above not equal to
2ACD square left open box operator
2ACE square right open box operator
2ACF closed subset
2AD0 closed superset
2AD1 closed subset or equal to
2AD2 closed superset or equal to
2AD3 subset above superset
2AD4 superset above subset
2AD5 subset above subset
2AD6 superset above superset
2AD7 superset beside subset
2AD8 superset beside and joined by dash with subset
2AD9 element of opening downwards
2ADA pitchfork with tee top
2ADB transversal intersection
2ADC forking
2ADD nonforking
2ADE short left tack
2ADF short down tack
2AE0 short up tack
2AE1 perpendicular with s
2AE2 vertical bar triple right turnstile
2AE3 double vertical bar left turnstile
2AE4 vertical bar double left turnstile
2AE5 double vertical bar double left turnstile
2AE6 long dash from left member of double vertical
2AE7 short down tack with overbar
2AE8 short up tack with underbar
2AE9 short up tack above short down tack
2AEA double down tack
2AEB double up tack
2AEC double stroke not sign
2AED reversed double stroke not sign
2AEE does not divide with reversed negation slash
2AEF vertical line with circle above
2AF0 vertical line with circle below
2AF1 down tack with circle below
2AF2 parallel with horizontal stroke
2AF3 parallel with tilde operator
2AF4 triple vertical bar binary relation
2AF5 triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke
2AF6 triple colon operator
2AF7 triple nested less than
2AF8 triple nested greater than
2AF9 double line slanted less than or equal to
2AFA double line slanted greater than or equal to
2AFB triple solidus binary relation
2AFC large triple vertical bar operator
2AFD double solidus operator
2AFE white vertical bar
2AFF ⫿ white vertical bar
2B00 north east white arrow
2B01 north west white arrow
2B02 south east white arrow
2B03 south west white arrow
2B04 left right white arrow
2B05 leftwards black arrow
2B06 upwards black arrow
2B07 downwards black arrow
2B08 north east black arrow
2B09 north west black arrow
2B0A south east black arrow
2B0B south west black arrow
2B0C left right black arrow
2B0D up down black arrow
2B0E rightwards arrow with tip downwards
2B0F rightwards arrow with tip upwards
2B10 leftwards arrow with tip downwards
2B11 leftwards arrow with tip upwards
2B12 square with top half black
2B13 square with bottom half black
2B14 square with upper right diagonal half black
2B15 square with lower left diagonal half black
2B16 diamond with left half black
2B17 diamond with right half black
2B18 diamond with top half black
2B19 diamond with bottom half black
2B1A box
2B1B black large square
2B1C white large square
2B1D black very small square
2B1E white very small square
2B1F black pentagon
2B20 white pentagon
2B21 white hexagon
2B22 black hexagon
2B23 horizontal black hexagon
2B24 black large circle
2B25 black medium diamond
2B26 white medium diamond
2B27 black medium lozenge
2B28 white medium lozenge
2B29 black small diamond
2B2A black small lozenge
2B2B white small lozenge
2B2C black horizontal ellipse
2B2D white horizontal ellipse
2B2E black vertical ellipse
2B2F white vertical ellipse
2B30 left arrow with small circle
2B31 three leftwards arrows
2B32 left arrow with circled plus
2B33 long leftwards squiggle arrow
2B34 leftwards two headed arrow with vertical stroke
2B35 leftwards two headed arrow with double vertical stroke
2B36 leftwards two headed arrow from bar
2B37 leftwards two headed triple dash arrow
2B38 leftwards arrow with dotted stem
2B39 leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke
2B3A leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke
2B3B leftwards two headed arrow with tail
2B3C leftwards two headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke
2B3D leftwards two headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke
2B3E leftwards arrow through x
2B3F ⬿ wave arrow pointing directly left
2B40 equals sign above leftwards arrow
2B41 reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow
2B42 leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to
2B43 rightwards arrow through greater than
2B44 rightwards arrow through superset
2B45 leftwards quadruple arrow
2B46 rightwards quadruple arrow
2B47 reverse tilde operator above rightwards arrow
2B48 rightwards arrow above reverse almost equal to
2B49 tilde operator above leftwards arrow
2B4A leftwards arrow above almost equal to
2B4B leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator
2B4C rightwards arrow above reverse tilde operator
2B50 white medium star
2B51 black small star
2B52 white small star
2B53 black right pointing pentagon
2B54 white right pointing pentagon
2B55 heavy large circle
2B56 heavy oval with oval inside
2B57 heavy circle with circle inside
2B58 heavy circle
2B59 heavy circled saltire
2E00 right angle substitution marker
2E01 right angle dotted substitution marker
2E02 left substitution bracket
2E03 right substitution bracket
2E04 left dotted substitution bracket
2E05 right dotted substitution bracket
2E06 raised interpolation marker
2E07 raised dotted interpolation marker
2E08 dotted transposition marker marker
2E09 left transposition bracket
2E0A right transposition bracket
2E0B raised square
2E0C left raised omission bracket
2E0D right raised omission bracket
2E0E editorial coronis
2E0F paragraphos
2E10 forked paragraphos
2E11 reversed forked paragraphos
2E12 hypodiastole
2E13 dotted obelos
2E14 downwards ancora
2E15 upwards ancora
2E16 dotted right pointing angle
2E17 double oblique hyphen
2E18 inverted interrobang
2E19 palm branch
2E1A hyphen with diaeresis
2E1B tilde with ring above
2E1C left low paraphrase bracket
2E1D right low paraphrase bracket
2E1E tilde with dot above
2E1F tilde with dot below
2E20 left vertical bar with quill
2E21 right vertical bar with quill
2E22 top left half bracket
2E23 top right half bracket
2E24 bottom left half bracket
2E25 bottom right half bracket
2E26 left sideways u bracket
2E27 right sideways u bracket
2E28 left double parentheses
2E29 right double parentheses
2E2A two dots over one dot punctuation
2E2B one dot over two dots punctuation
2E2C squared four dot punctuation
2E2D five dot mark
2E2E reversed question mark
2E2F vertical tilde
2E30 ring point
2E31 word separator middle dot
2E32 turned comma
2E33 raised dot
2E34 raised comma
2E35 turned semicolon
2E36 dagger with left guard
2E37 dagger with right guard
2E38 turned dagger
2E39 top half section sign
2E3A two em dash
2E3B three em dash
FB00 ff
FB01 fi
FB02 fl
FB03 ffi
FB04 ffl
FB05 ft
FB06 st
FB29 hebrew letter alternative plus
FE20 ligature left half embellishment
FE21 ligature right half embellishment
FE22 double tilde left half embellishment
FE23 double tilde right half embellishment
FE24 macron left half embellishment
FE25 macron right half embellishment
FE26 conjoining macron embellishment
FE35 over paren
FE36 under paren
FE37 over brace
FE38 under brace
FE3F ︿ over angle bracket
FE40 under angle bracket
FE61 small asterisk
FE62 small plus
FE63 small minus
FE64 small less than
FE65 small greater than
FE66 small equals
FF0B equals sign
FF1C less than
FF1D equals
FF1E greater than
FF3C backslash
FF3E hat
FF5C vline-suchthat: such that
vline-given: given
vline-divides: divides
default: vertical line
FF5E tilde
FFE2 not
FFE9 left arrow
FFEA up arrow
FFEB right arrow
FFEC down arrow
FFFC unknown or missing object
FFFD unknown or missing character
1D400-1D419 𝐀-𝐙 bold
1D41A-1D433 𝐚-𝐳 bold
map: ('𝐚𝐛𝐜𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐠𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐤𝐥𝐦𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐪𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐯𝐰𝐱𝐲𝐳', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D44E-1D454 210E 1D456-1D467 𝑎-𝑧 map: ('𝑎𝑏𝑐𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑔ℎ𝑖𝑗𝑘𝑙𝑚𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑞𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑣𝑤𝑥𝑦𝑧', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D468-1D481 𝑨-𝒁 bold
1D482-1D49B 𝒂-𝒛 bold
map: ('𝒂𝒃𝒄𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒈𝒉𝒊𝒋𝒌𝒍𝒎𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒒𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒗𝒘𝒙𝒚𝒛', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D49C 212C 1D49E-1D49F 2130-2131 1D4A2 210B-2110 1D4A5-1D4A6 2112 2133 1D4A9-1D4AC 211B 1D4AE-1D4B5 𝒜-𝒵 script
1D4B6-1D4B9 212F 1D4BB 210A 1D4BD-1D4C3 2134 1D4C5-1D4CF 𝒶-𝓏 script
map: ('𝒶𝒷𝒸𝒹ℯ𝒻ℊ𝒽𝒾𝒿𝓀𝓁𝓂𝓃ℴ𝓅𝓆𝓇𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓋𝓌𝓍𝓎𝓏', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D4D0-1D4E9 𝓐-𝓩 script bold
1D4EA-1D503 𝓪-𝔃 script bold
map: ('𝓪𝓫𝓬𝓭𝓮𝓯𝓰𝓱𝓲𝓳𝓴𝓵𝓶𝓷𝓸𝓹𝓺𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓿𝔀𝔁𝔂𝔃', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D504-1D505 212D 1D507-1D50A 210C 2111 1D50D-1D514 211C 1D516-1D51C 2128 𝔄-𝔜 fraktur
1D51E-1D537 𝔞-𝔷 fraktur
map: ('𝔞𝔟𝔠𝔡𝔢𝔣𝔤𝔥𝔦𝔧𝔨𝔩𝔪𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔮𝔯𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔳𝔴𝔵𝔶𝔷', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D538-1D539 2102 1D53B-1D53E 210D 1D540-1D544 2115 1D546 2119-211A 211D 1D54A-1D550 2124 𝔸-𝕐 not-terse: double struck
1D552-1D56B 𝕒-𝕫 not-terse: double struck
map: ('𝕒𝕓𝕔𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕘𝕙𝕚𝕛𝕜𝕝𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕢𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕧𝕨𝕩𝕪𝕫', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D56C-1D585 𝕬-𝖅 fraktur bold
1D586-1D59F 𝖆-𝖟 fraktur bold
map: ('𝖆𝖇𝖈𝖉𝖊𝖋𝖌𝖍𝖎𝖏𝖐𝖑𝖒𝖓𝖔𝖕𝖖𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖛𝖜𝖝𝖞𝖟', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D5BA-1D5D3 𝖺-𝗓 map: ('𝖺𝖻𝖼𝖽𝖾𝖿𝗀𝗁𝗂𝗃𝗄𝗅𝗆𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗊𝗋𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗏𝗐𝗑𝗒𝗓', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D5D4-1D5ED 𝗔-𝗭 bold
1D5EE-1D607 𝗮-𝘇 bold
map: ('𝗮𝗯𝗰𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗴𝗵𝗶𝗷𝗸𝗹𝗺𝗻𝗼𝗽𝗾𝗿𝘀𝘁𝘂𝘃𝘄𝘅𝘆𝘇', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D622-1D63B 𝘢-𝘻 map: ('𝘢𝘣𝘤𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘫𝘬𝘭𝘮𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘲𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘷𝘸𝘹𝘺𝘻', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D63C-1D655 𝘼-𝙕 bold
1D656-1D66F 𝙖-𝙯 bold
map: ('𝙖𝙗𝙘𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙜𝙝𝙞𝙟𝙠𝙡𝙢𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙦𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙫𝙬𝙭𝙮𝙯', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D68A-1D6A3 𝚊-𝚣 map: ('𝚊𝚋𝚌𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚐𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚔𝚕𝚖𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚚𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚟𝚠𝚡𝚢𝚣', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
1D6A4 𝚤 dotless i
1D6A5 𝚥 dotless j
1D6A8-1D6C0 𝚨-𝛀 bold
1D6C1 𝛁 bold nabla
1D6C2-1D6DA 𝛂-𝛚 bold
map: ('𝛂𝛃𝛄𝛅𝛆𝛇𝛈𝛉𝛊𝛋𝛌𝛍𝛎𝛏𝛐𝛑𝛒𝛓𝛔𝛕𝛖𝛗𝛘𝛙𝛚', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω')
1D6DB-1D6E1 𝛛𝛜𝛝𝛞𝛟𝛠𝛡 bold
map: ('𝛛𝛜𝛝𝛞𝛟𝛠𝛡', '∂εθκφρπ')
1D6FB 𝛻 italic nabla
1D6FC-1D714 𝛼-𝜔 map: ('𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜀𝜁𝜂𝜃𝜄𝜅𝜆𝜇𝜈𝜉𝜊𝜋𝜌𝜍𝜎𝜏𝜐𝜑𝜒𝜓𝜔', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω')
1D715-1D71B 𝜕𝜖𝜗𝜘𝜙𝜚𝜛 map: ('𝜕𝜖𝜗𝜘𝜙𝜚𝜛', '∂εθκφρπ')
1D71C-1D734 𝜜-𝜴 bold
1D735 𝜵 bold italic nabla
1D736-1D74E 𝜶-𝝎 bold
map: ('𝜶𝜷𝜸𝜹𝜺𝜻𝜼𝜽𝜾𝜿𝝀𝝁𝝂𝝃𝝄𝝅𝝆𝝇𝝈𝝉𝝊𝝋𝝌𝝍𝝎', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω')
1D74F-1D755 𝝏𝝐𝝑𝝒𝝓𝝔𝝕 bold
map: ('𝝏𝝐𝝑𝝒𝝓𝝔𝝕', '∂εθκφρπ')
1D756-1D76E 𝝖-𝝮 bold
1D76F 𝝯 bold nabla
1D770-1D788 𝝰-𝞈 bold
map: ('𝝰𝝱𝝲𝝳𝝴𝝵𝝶𝝷𝝸𝝹𝝺𝝻𝝼𝝽𝝾𝝿𝞀𝞁𝞂𝞃𝞄𝞅𝞆𝞇𝞈', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω')
1D789-1D78F 𝞉𝞊𝞋𝞌𝞍𝞎𝞏 bold
map: ('𝞉𝞊𝞋𝞌𝞍𝞎𝞏', '∂εθκφρπ')
1D790-1D7A8 𝞐-𝞨 bold
1D7A9 𝞩 bold nabla
1D7AA-1D7C2 𝞪-𝟂 bold
map: ('𝞪𝞫𝞬𝞭𝞮𝞯𝞰𝞱𝞲𝞳𝞴𝞵𝞶𝞷𝞸𝞹𝞺𝞻𝞼𝞽𝞾𝞿𝟀𝟁𝟂', 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω')
1D7C3-1D7C9 𝟃𝟄𝟅𝟆𝟇𝟈𝟉 bold
map: ('𝟃𝟄𝟅𝟆𝟇𝟈𝟉', '∂εθκφρπ')
1D7CE-1D7D7 𝟎-𝟗 bold
map: ('𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗', '0123456789')
1D7D8-1D7E1 𝟘-𝟡 not-terse: double struck
map: ('𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡', '0123456789')
1D7E2-1D7EB 𝟢-𝟫 map: ('𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿', '0123456789')
1D7EC-1D7F5 𝟬-𝟵 bold
map: ('𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵', '0123456789')
1D7F6-1D7FF 𝟶-𝟿 map: ('𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿', '0123456789')