Facing floats on 2-page spread

If a pair of floats need to be forced to form a 2-page spread (in a book, or whatever), the first must lie on the left side of the spread, on an even-numbered page. The dpfloat package provides for this: the construction to use is:

The construction has no effect on documents with class option oneside (twoside is the default for book class).

A special case of this requirement places the caption for a float on the next page. (This is useful if you have a float that “only just” fits the page.) You can (with a certain amount of twiddling) make this work with dpfloat, but the fltpage package is specially designed for the job:

  \caption{Whew!  That was a big one!}
That example should produce a caption
Figure ‹n(facing page): Whew! …
(Note, however, that the package is an old one, and declares itself to be a beta release, and contains no valid licence statement so that it is not in texlive. It seems to work, but…)

A alternative route is the “continued” mechanism of the caption package. The \ContinuedFloat macro makes a small tweak to the next \caption command, so that the command makes no increment to the caption number. This does not (of course) have any effect on actual placement of the float, but it makes the caption texts read ‘sensibly’:

  \caption{A table}
  \caption{A table (cont.)}
which would produce:
Table 3: A table … Table 3: A table (cont.)

This answer last edited: 2013-02-01