By default, LaTeX makes entries in the bibliography look like:
[1] Doe, Joe et al. Some journal. 2004.while many documents need something like:
[2] Doe, Jane et al. Some journal. 2003.
1. Doe, Joe et al. Some journal. 2004.
2. Doe, Jane et al. Some journal. 2003.
This sort of change may be achieved by many of the “general” citation packages; for example, in natbib, it’s as simple as:
but if you’re not using such a package, the following internal LaTeX commands, in the preamble of your document, will do the job:\renewcommand{\bibnumfmt}[1]{#1.}
\makeatletter \renewcommand*{\@biblabel}[1]{\hfill#1.} \makeatother
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