If you’re thinking of multiple bibliographies tied to some part of your document (such as the chapters within the document), please see bibliographies per chapter.
For more than one bibliography, there are three options.
The multibbl package offers a very simple interface: you use
a command \newbibliography
to define a bibliography “tag”. The package
redefines the other bibliography commands so that each time you use any one
of them, you give it the tag for the bibliography where you want the
citations to appear. The \bibliography
command itself also takes
a further extra argument that says what title to use for the resulting
section or chapter (i.e., it patches
and \bibname
in a
babel-safe way). So one might write:
(Note that the optional argument of\usepackage{multibbl} \newbibliography{bk} \bibliographystyle{bk}{alpha} \newbibliography{art} \bibliographystyle{art}{plain} ... \cite[pp.~23--25]{bk}{milne:pooh-corner} ... \cite{art}{einstein:1905} ... \bibliography{bk}{book-bib}{References to books} \bibliography{art}{art-bib}{References to articles}
appears before the
new tag argument, and that the \bibliography
commands may list
more than one bib
file — indeed all \bibliography
may list the same set of files.)
The \bibliography
data goes into files whose names are
‹tag-name›.aux, so you will need to run
after the first run of LaTeX, to get the citations in the correct place.bibtex bk bibtex art
The multibib package allows you to define a series of “additional topics”, each of which comes with its own series of bibliography commands. So one might write:
Again, as for multibbl, any\usepackage{multibib} \newcites{bk,art}% {References from books,% References from articles} \bibliographystylebk{alpha} \bibliographystyleart{plain} ... \citebk[pp.~23--25]{milne:pooh-corner} ... \citeart{einstein:1905} ... \bibliographybk{book-bib} \bibliographyart{art-bib}
command may
scan any list of bib
BibTeX processing with multibib is much like that with multibbl; with the above example, one needs:
Note that, unlike multibbl, multibib allows a simple, unmodified bibliography (as well as the “topic” ones).bibtex bk bibtex art
The bibtopic package allows you separately to cite several
different bibliographies. At the appropriate place in your document,
you put a sequence of btSect
environments (each of which
specifies a bibliography database to scan) to typeset the separate
bibliographies. Thus, one might have a file diss.tex containing:
Note the different way of specifying a bibliographystyle: if you want a different style for a particular bibliography, you may give it as an optional argument to the\usepackage{bibtopic} \bibliographystyle{alpha} ... \cite[pp.~23--25]{milne:pooh-corner} ... \cite{einstein:1905} ... \begin{btSect}{book-bib} \section{References from books} \btPrintCited \end{btSect} \begin{btSect}[plain]{art-bib} \section{References from articles} \btPrintCited \end{btSect}
Processing with BibTeX, in this case, uses aux
files whose names
are derived from the name of the base document. So in this example
you need to say:
bibtex diss1 bibtex diss2
There is also a command \btPrintNotCited
, which gives the rest of
the content of the database (if nothing has been cited from the
database, this is equivalent to LaTeX standard \nocite
However, the real difference from multibbl and
multibib is that selection of what appears in each
bibliography section is determined in bibtopic by what’s in
the bib
An entirely different approach is taken by the splitbib
package. You provide a category
environment, in the
preamble of your document, for each category you want a separate
citation list for. In each environment, you list the \cite
that you want listed in each category. The \bibliography
(or, more precisely, the thebibliography
environment it
uses) will sort the keys as requested. (Keys not mentioned in a
appear in a “misc” category created in the
sorting process.) A code example appears in the package documentation
(a PDF file in the CTAN directory,
which you can browse to, from the link, below).
This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=multbib